Vittoria Mazzocca

  • Vittoria Mazzocca's painting is characterized by the purity and essentiality of the form and by the brightness of the spaces and chromatic tones in which the figure is fixed, in the constant search for a harmonious balance and clear and linear poetic message (G. Giani – “Il Giornale d'Italia” – March 2, 1965)
  • Skillful dosage of chiaroscuro tones and aurhythmìa of perspective schemes, respecting a landscape surrounded by submerged prayers and implied religious connotations (Prof. Francesco Calabrese – motivation for the De Chirico award)
  • Daughter of art, Vittoria Mazzocca inherits creative taste, aesthetic beauty, speed of execution, essential elements to be able to express herself at the level of pictorial composition.
    Her art is born spontaneous; her images of her are the essence of emotions and suggestions that she receives from the environment or created by her fervent imagination. The artist projects the images as she feels them, without worrying about obeying prefixed schemes ... ( C. Zonno – “Corriere di Roma” – 15 February 1992

  • Vittoria Mazzocca's pictorial images breathe freely in space, overcoming codified formal systems.
    In her models, the figures that animate them reveal a lively energy and an extraordinary sensitivity ( N. Bianchi – Plaque “Colosseum” – 14 March 1992)

  • An artist, Vittoria Mazzocca, who moves with certainty in the feeling of ideas (Augusto Giordano)
  • Reviews by Gianluca Lombardi d'Aquino:

  • The conversion of St. Paul: The soldier Saul, struck by the light, falls from his horse to the ground. The spiritual explosion that takes place inside of him marks the beginning of a new existence. The image captures the moment of the fall, which will become an ascent towards the sky. Saul leaves the darkness that enveloped him like dark coils behind him. Dazzling flashes pierce his chest, in an ecstasy that is together immeasurable pain and joy.
    And the new life begins, St. Paul is born.
  • Death and Resurrection: The body is but a container, a vehicle for the soul who faces the journey into earthly reality. Death comes inexorably, but from the apparent end the Soul springs from everything, which leaps lightly and fatuous from the now inert and heavy casing.
    The diaphanous figure raises a spiral of energy with one hand, symbol of the eternal evolution of Life, which is together the greatest mystery and the greatest expression of divine omnipotence.
  • The Sword of the Redemption: The Cross, symbol of Christ's sacrifice for humanity, it is tinged with the blood shed for the redemption of sins. Sacrifice embodies the will to fight evil, and here the cross becomes a sword, an allegorical weapon spiritual against the darkness that envelops men. From this strenuous struggle comes purification, the blood of sacrifice brings Light into everything the Universe and the spirit rises from the dark suffering earthly to the highest heaven, where they await him the bright colors of Paradise, of true Life.